Fall Health Tips

Fall Health Tips

You enjoyed the excellent weather and sunshine all summer long.  You’ve been able to fit all kinds of exercise and sports into your routine. Summer is over, but that doesn’t mean your workout habits need to end. Here are some ideas on how you can stay physically active as the season changes and the weather gets colder.

1 - Stay outdoors

While the weather isn’t as hot and sunny as it was during the summer, this can sometimes be a good thing when exercising outdoors. The cooler weather can make it more comfortable for you to stay outside, so if you were avoiding the heat of the summer months, now is a great time to go out and enjoy the fresh air. A fun, scenic way you can fit in some cardio outdoors this fall is by going jogging or biking through parks and trails. Just remember if you plan on staying outdoors later into the fall season, you’ll want to dress appropriately for the colder weather and make sure you have an adequate warm-up before each session to prep your body for exercise.

2 - Join an indoor program

As the season goes deeper into the fall, you might want to stay indoors to avoid the cold. Luckily, there are many indoor programs in Vancouver available through the fall and winter. Try joining a gym or a local community centre to take fitness classes, go swimming, or play drop-in sports, taking proper COVID-19 precautions. If you want to commit to something a little more competitive, you can always find an indoor league. Whether your preference is volleyball, soccer, basketball, Ultimate, or anything else, join a league and stay active!

3 - Set goals for next spring

It might be challenging to stay motivated to work out when the weather gets colder, and the days get darker. Set some fitness goals for yourself for next spring so you can commit to working towards it through the fall and winter. For example, if you’re just getting into running, try signing up early for a 5K for next spring, so you have a specific goal that you want to achieve by the end of fall and winter. If you’re already an active athlete, sign up for a race, lifting meet, or another competition that you’ve never done before and train towards that goal. Whatever fitness goals you set for yourself, make sure you establish a routine and stay with it. Before you know it, the warm weather of spring will come back around, and you’ll already be in shape for it!

4 - Stay Social

A study found that active people stay active with social support. Find a running group, partner up with a friend to go to the gym, or set up a weekly challenge against a friend, or your spouse where you pick a random sport and see who wins. Everyone wins if you're exercising together and accountability will keep you active. 

5 - Take care of your body

To stay physically active all year long, you’re going to have to take care of your body. That means making sure you create a meal plan and eat right as well as establishing a good sleep schedule. It also means recognizing and taking care of your injuries. If you feel like your body isn’t performing to its full potential, come see us at Vancity Physio, and we can help make sure your body is moving the way it’s supposed to. We'll show you how our Vancity Physiotherapy clinic will help you move better.