Plantar Fasciitis Physio and Treatment

Plantar Fasciitis Physio and Treatment

What is plantar fasciitis?

This is a VERY common pain of the heel. Why this pain develops is because the ligament that supports your heel becomes inflamed and irritated.  Because of this irritation uncomfortable symptoms may develop in the area which can cause great discomfort.  Millions of people suffer from this and it is primarily seen amongst middle-aged people, those who are  flat-footed and potentially those who have a high BMI. The pain is considered generally chronic and not acute as it takes time to develop-it doesn’t usually happen overnight.

What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

A lot of people notice that it feels worse in the morning when they first wake up. Or other times the pain occurs  when they’re standing after they have sat for a long time, for example after driving for a long time in the car. It can also be felt right after exercise, but generally not during. It has also been described as a stabbing pain, located near the heel at the bottom of your foot and the  pain can be sharp or dull that gets worse over time and at times swelling can be a symptom. 

What causes plantar fasciitis?

It can be difficult to precisely say how plantar fasciitis develops as there are many root causes. In most cases it can occur in those who continuously walk on hard surfaces or in people who have to stand for long periods of time. It can also occur in individuals involved in high-impact activities such as running or jumping. Just a few examples of those at risk are athletes, teachers, cashiers, service industry workers but this occur in many other professions or for various  reasons.

How can a physiotherapist help me with plantar fasciitis? And how is it treated?

If you believe you have plantar fasciitis then you should book physiotherapy appointment as soon as possible because the earlier you do treatment, the better the chance you’ll have a successful and pain-free outcome. Your physiotherapist can show you a series of exercises to stretch out your aching plantar fascia and Achilles tendon and they can also help to strengthen your lower leg muscles. They may also teach you how to use athletic taping to adequately support your foot.  What you can expect during your physiotherapy visit is your physio will gather your pertinent health history details and do a full thorough assessment to determine the root cause for your pain. This can be due to your family history, inadequate footwear, poor gait, and many other reasons.  From the information gathered from your detailed assessment, it will be determined if ultrasound, hands-on therapy, pain medication, orthotics, IMS, extra corporeal shock-wave therapy, home exercise, therapeutic taping or various other measures should be used.

Book an appointment!

So your symptoms don’t get worse over time, book in to see your physiotherapist as soon as possible! With the right prescribed exercises, hands-on therapy, IMS, improved orthotics, etc you can wake up and walk without that nagging pain in your foot.

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