What does our Running Lab with Vancity Physio look like?
Running is one of the most popular physical activities enjoyed by people around the world, and the number of runners has grown substantially year after year. People are seeking a healthier lifestyle through fitness, weight control, muscle strength and improved exercise capacity frequently choose running, as this has been considered to be of low cost and can be easily implemented. However, with any form of physical exercise, comes risk of injury.
We perform evidence-based running gait assessments using a validated single biomechanics sensor to track the acceleration of your body’s center of mass. Measure your weakest links that are invisible to the naked eye.
During our Running Assessment, we'll assess your movement patterns, muscle condition, and mobility. We'll screen for potential areas of weakness and asymmetry, and from there, we can provide a holistic assessment of your running. We will then offer individualized recommendations for you related to strength, mobility, balance, and run specific drills.
Whether you're new to running, a seasoned competitor,or anywhere in between- this evaluation is intended to help you learn more about yourself as a runner and keep you running healthy.
Using 3D running Gait Analysis Software and a bio mechanics sensor, we help identify weak links invisible to the eye.
At the end of your Assessment, a Session Report will be generated with a running quality score to improve, and specific data visuals to see how your score was quantified.
Interested? If you'd like to speak with one of our Physiotherapists to discuss whether this would be appropriate for you, contact our office to book a complimentary call.
To learn more about the Running Lab click here !