Despite the evidence, it’s still common to doubt the effectiveness of virtual physio treatment. After all, physical health is an inherently...physical experience. So shouldn’t physiotherapy treatment happen in-person? While there are some cases in which face-to-face treatment is necessary, we want to dispel any doubts that virtual physio is less effective. In fact, we’re convinced—along with millions of other healthcare providers—that virtual physio can be even more effective than a clinical setting.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve discussed the evidence for virtual physio and increased federal funding for TeleHealth services. Today on the blog, we dive deeper into the specific advantages of virtual physio over an in-person clinical setting. Not only is virtual physio more accessible and convenient, but there are proven advantages to utilizing an online platform to prescribe and perform rehab exercises.
Virtual Physio is More Accessible and Convenient
Virtual physio makes rehab treatment accessible right from the comfort of your home. Assessment, treatment and feedback are all done online, which saves you the time and effort it takes to get to a clinic. This is a huge advantage for people with mobility issues. For folks living in more remote areas, where access to supplementary healthcare is limited, it offers quality treatment that might not otherwise be available. During COVID-19, an online setting is a clear advantage, since most physical clinics have been closed for months. The fact that important healthcare services like physiotherapy are available at your fingertips is a total gamechanger.
The Benefits of Online Treatment Plans
Virtual physio treatment is prescribed via an online platform, such as the app PhysiApp®. Below we identify three key advantages of an online treatment setting compared to an in-person clinic.
Custom Demonstrated Programming
After every physio assessment, practitioners curate a treatment plan based on the client’s symptoms and goals. In an in-person clinic, physiotherapists usually demonstrate exercise movements so that you can do them at home. But once you’re on your own, it’s easy to forget how movements should look and feel. Online treatment resolves this confusion.
With virtual physio, the custom program is assigned to your profile on the app, so it will show up every time you login. For each exercise, there is a professional video that demonstrates, with narration, how to correctly perform the movement. These videos are available in multiple languages, and can be downloaded to your device so you can even watch it offline.
Using an online app ensures that every detail is crystal clear, with clearly outlined treatment programs accompanied by video demonstrations.
Increased Accountability
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Though rehab exercises serve a critical purpose, they can sometimes feel mundane. If you skip out on exercises, it’s guaranteed that zero progress will be made at all. An online treatment platform increases accountability and helps you understand how your exercises fit your goals through email reminders and in-app notifications. Better accountability will help you maintain consistency with rehab exercises, which will get you back on track faster.
More Communication = More Effective Treatment
Everyday, you’ll track any changes to your pain levels and symptoms on the app. This consistent feedback helps us physios work with you to improve your condition faster. In an in-person clinic, you might only update your physio on your pain levels once every two weeks or less. With the online setting, you can track your pain levels daily. Based on your progress, we’ll adjust your exercise program in real-time to get you healthier and stronger, faster. The more data we have on your progress, the better we can serve you and get you back to the activities you love.
Get Your First 20-Minute Treatment FREE
At VanCity Physio, your initial assessment is on us. There are so many benefits to accessing virtual physio services, and we hope you’ll take advantage of them. Get in touch with us today to get started.