Due to the mandated closure of gyms, many people are finding their workouts have gone down to an all-time low. It can be hard to motivate oneself to run a six-kilometre run, when it’s pouring down rain and you don’t have proper gear to stay dry. Many have been turning to home workout solutions to combat this sedentary directive from our provincial government. It can be very beneficial to use online resources to burn a few extra calories, but it is also extremely important to strengthen the body.
Our solution for strength training from your home is resistance bands which you can purchase in our online store. What is great about resistance bands is they are easily stored even in the smallest of spaces even if you live in a bachelor apartment. It may not be realistic for everyone to have a space for weights or kettlebells, but this on-the-go option can be stored safely in one of your drawers. Resistance bands range in levels of intensity and can be used wherever you’d like to use them whether it is indoors or outside. Resistance bands or loops are thick elastic bands that are used to strengthen your muscles from the safety of your own home as they can attach directly to your home doorways (our kits include a door anchor).
Training at home with resistance loops are low impact movements that help build the muscles without too much stress on your joints as movement is fluid and easy. With our resistance band kits, you’ll be given a variety of bands to help individual your workouts and movements. These bands can help with muscle toning, stretching, balancing and strengthening. Resistance bands usage can range from full body workouts or isolated to just the lower and upper extremities of the body. They are designed to be used in different positions from floor exercises to standing exercises. As time goes on, movements may become too easy, so our kits range in colours to progressively get more difficult. If using resistance loops for injury rehabilitation alone, it should be overseen by a physiotherapist to ensure your exercises or movements are not further exacerbating your pain by incorrect or unsafe form.
Resistance bands are beneficial because they can stabilize your muscles with safe and fluid movements that are especially important when rehabilitating an injury. It is an easy, on-the-go option that is low cost but highly effective. We recognize the value of use of resistance bands for rehabilitation after an injury so it is of great importance to us that our patients have it readily available to them. Don’t let the lack of access to a proper gym get you down, try out our cost-effective resistance bands and get fit from the walls of your home. Visit our link at: https://vancityphysio.com/products/vancity-physio-resistance-bands-11-piece-set to purchase your set and come see us to see how resistance bands can improve your injury.
Book a consultation today: https://vancityphysio.janeapp.com/
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