
Q&A: “How do I know if I tore my meniscus”?

Often times a good assessment from a physiotherapist will include a thorough subjective interview whereby they will ask questions such as:

  • Did you feel a popping sensation?
  • Do you feel swelling or stiffness in the affected knee?
  • What was the mechanism of movement that caused the injury? Typically, a plant and twist is typically reported by on field athletes as the movement that occurred at the time of injury.
  • Does it feel like your knee is giving way? Or is it locked, and unable to bend?
  • Are you able to straighten the knee?
  • Is there tenderness at the joint line of the knee?

And while this is not an exhaustive list, these are some of the common symptoms that are reported by patients after a meniscus injury, and things that our physiotherapists will look at. 

The 2 most common tests to examine are the Thessaly’s Test and the McMurray’s test.

Below is a link to the test:

These tests are commonly used by physiotherapists to further build evidence that the meniscus was indeed injured and the potential source of pain and discomfort.

Remember that you want to contact your primary healthcare professional for your own injuries, that this is just a general outline of some of the things you would look out for.

Come see us at Vancity Physio for a meniscus assessment today!

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