How Physiotherapists can help Golfers August 2021Golf is a sport that is great for various reasons! When the sun is shining here in Vancouver it’s a perfect sport to enjoy the great weather but to also...
How Physiotherapy can be Beneficial for Cancer Patients July 2021Cancer is a life-altering diagnosis as one knows when facing this news-whether it is yourself or a loved one. The options of radiation, chemotherapy, surgery and so many more routes...
Shin Splints July 2021The tibia which is also known as the shinbone has a big job: it helps to support us when we walk, jump or run! The shinbone is the large bone...
Physiotherapists: helping to treat your pain without opioid medication! June 2021Pain is a common issue in the world we live in today! Yet, no one has time to let a nagging back issue or sore foot get in the way...
Physiotherapy and Treating Your Concussions June 2021A concussion which is also referred to as a mild traumatic brain injury which results from either an indirect or direct blow to the head. This type of brain injury...
ICBC Rehab and Physiotherapy June 2021An early intervention after an accident to see your physiotherapist for an assessment is highly imperative, due to the fact it may take a few days to even a few...